
  • Configuration can be localised on a server by making changes under /etc/oam.

  • For a simple configuration update, a change to /etc/oam/oam.yaml is sufficient:

        opts: '--backtrack=50 --deep --verbose --verbose-conflicts'
      go: weekly

    The above excerpt shows two oam settings - default options to emerge, and the flow executed by the oam go command.

    For example to add the --newuse flag as a default option to emerge simply edit the file so that it looks like:

        opts: '--newuse --backtrack=50 --deep --verbose --verbose-conflicts'
      go: weekly

    The format of the file must be maintained - see documentation on the yaml file format at: .

  • Extra configuration files can also be dropped into /etc/oam/conf.d/ - they will be merged with, and can potentially overwrite overlapping configuration from /etc/oam/oam.yaml - for example to add a new flow called sync, this file can be dropped into the directory as: /etc/oam/conf.d/sync.yaml:

        - sync
        - glsa
  • If a flow exists named finally then it will always be executed when any other flow finishes; example:

        - sync
        - glsa
        - report

    In the above case, the report task will always be run after the check flow has completed.

  • New invoke tasks can be added in /etc/oam/localtasks - for example this file dropped in as /etc/oam/localtasks/

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from invoke import task
    def skel(ctx):'/bin/echo "hello world"', echo_result=True)

    Can be added to a flow or invoked directly as skel:

    $ oam inv -l | grep skel
     'skel.skel': ['skel'],
    $ oam task skel
    hello world
  • The python interpreter requires a UTF-8 locale to be configured. If you see a message like:

    RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment.

    Then ` <>`_ has some background - you you have the C locale already generated, then setting these environment variables may be all that is required:

    export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
    export LANG=C.UTF-8